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address  河北 秦皇岛市
品 牌: 秦皇岛紫川 
单 价: 240.00元/箱 
起 订:  
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-05-27
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产品详细说明 收藏此产品
材质: 黏胶基活性炭纤维毡 类型: 高效
用途: 气液过滤 适用对象: 空气
开孔率: 高比表面积1100--1600(%) 编织方式: 整张比表微孔吸附
品牌: 秦皇岛紫川 规格: 宽1.2米 长10米以上(含10米)
单丝直径: 11um--18um(mm) 目数: 多种目数(目/英寸)
径向断裂强度: 双面符合加强(N/cm) 宽幅: 1.2(m)
密度: 国标(根/10cm) 性能: 耐酸,耐碱,耐高温,耐低温,防火,防水,其他
适用范围: 空调,过滤壶,风机,空气净化器,医用,烤漆房,水族类,吸尘器,净水器,直饮机,过滤器,其他


可以用来制作空气过滤器,能吸附过滤空气中的O3 SO2 NO2及恶臭、毒气、烟气等有害气体,可用于房间、厨具及其它被污染的室内空气净化。


  1. 吸附量大


  1. 吸附速度快


  1. 再生容易,脱附速度快。如用120—150℃热空气处理ACF10—30分钟

④ 耐热性好,在惰性气体中耐高温1000℃以上,在空气中着火点达500℃以上。
⑤ 耐酸、耐碱,具有较好的导电性能和化学稳定性。

  1. 溶剂回收:对苯类、酮类、酯类、石油类均能吸附回收:
  2. 空气净化:能吸附过滤空气中的恶臭、体臭、烟气、毒气、O3、SO2、NO

等;③ 水净化:能去处水中的重金属离子、至癌物质、臭味、霉味、细菌及脱色等;可用于自来水、食品工业用水及工业用纯水等处理。
④ 环保工程:废气及污水处理;
⑤ 防毒口罩、防毒衣、香烟过滤咀等;
⑥ 贵金属提炼或回收、吸附放射性物质,也可用于作为催化剂载体、气相色谱的固定相;
⑦ 医药上用于包扎带,急性解毒剂、人工肾脏等;
⑧ 电子及能源方面应用,如高容量电容、蓄电池等;
⑨ 耐高温及保温材料。

吸附效率高    吸附脱附效率快   吸附量高   回收量高


可以用来制作空气过滤器,能吸附过滤空气中的O3 SO2 NO2及恶臭、毒气、烟气等有害气体,可用于房间、厨具及其它被污染的室内空气净化。




























Activated carbon fiber in nonferrous metal on the aspects


Our country is in the study began 8O new technology, research progress, and very quickly began in the 1980s, the current doMEStic industrialization has already formed the annual production capacity of 600 tons. Because of activated carbon fiber superior adsorption. In industrial and agricultural production and dAIly life field application. The products are exported to Korea, Taiwan and southeast Asia, etc. In recent years, activated carbon fiber in nonferrous metal industry raw fibrous preprocessing carbon fiber can rapid progress. Based on the characteristics and activated carbon fiber in nonferrous metal industry application to make a brief introduction.

Carbon fiber production principle and characteristics

Carbon fiber production principle, activated carbon fiber is by organic chemistry raw material (such as polyacrylonitrile, pad, etc) and polyvinyl alcohol (pva) by carbonization and activation further. Compared with the particle activated carbon fibers, adsorption capacity is 10 times greater than 100 tiMES faster, adsorption, absorption function of efficient activated carbon fiber to help it developed. The microporous structure, even the tiny holes in the lO microns. Most In this new material of each section of the microporous evenly with carbon fibre per gram. Have 100 million microporous activated carbon, particle adsorption capacity, and the small adsorption slow, because of the large, medium and small structure. And aperture is deep. Hole is too big, and became the only channel, adsorption, hole is too deep, delaying the absorption rate. In addition, active carbon fibre has molding, powder, regeneration easy (in temperature 100 ° c hot steam or hot air condition can be completely regenerated), regeneration speed (5-15 minutes), easy processing, cloth, silk carpet into paper, etc. And regenerating activated carbon particles and demanding conditions after the adsorption ability.

Carbon fiber in nonferrous metal industry application

Activated carbon fibers used in cOAl slurry in domestic gold, has obtained the patent. The test results greatly shortened significantly, gold, and carbon fiber low wear rate, reduce the loss of gold, easy to regenerate, repeated use efficiency is lower. This process is domestic some scientific research units and industrial experiments, currently has entered the industrialization.

Activated carbon fibers used in nonferrous metal industry wastewater discharge of phenolic, arsenic, chromium, mercury, tin, copper, all have very big adsorption with carbon fibre. Adsorption device can be made, and the simple process miniaturization ", renewable easily, can better handling such wastewater. This kind of wastewater treatment plant has been used in China for carbon fiber. The non-ferrous metal industry waste gas treatment with active carbon fibre, non-ferrous metal industry management of sulfur dioxide emissions of low concentration of chlorine gas and low exhaust, is developed in recent years. New technologies in the northwest institute of metallurgy using carbon fiber adsorption with a low concentration of analytical method of sulfur dioxide emissions small experiment research, gives satisfactory results. Also launched a catalyst with carbon fibre adsorption process (generating by-products processing of ancient rare hydrochloric acid) low concentration of chlorine gas new method research. Also have achieved remarkable results.

Activated carbon fibers used to make labor protection articles using active carbon fibre excellent adsorption, desorption performance. Made of labor protection articles, non-ferrous metal industry in various toxic post had applied. The non-ferrous metal industry according to the special needs of antivirus. Northwest institute has developed to produce labor vol.39, masks, applicable to all kinds of organic waste gases (such as phenols) jobs. Applicable to so2, sulfuric acid fog mercury, lead, chromium, etc Xi dust emissions jobs. Suitable for chlorine gas and hydrogen fluorine, suitable jobs, hydrogen gas jobs. The use of labor and easy to carry, mask protective effect. In nonferrous metal industry to promote the use of toxic post by popular.


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